Based on...
Software Engineer at Ticketleap, working on Port (currently in beta).
Monetate: 3rd party script that allows marketers to personalize/customize their e-commerce sites and measure the impact.
Allow us to match patterns (sometimes extremely complex) in strings.
Given some text and a pattern, you can "split" "replace" "match" "search" "test" and "exec." But the how is a bit quirky.
var str = 'which way';; // returns 1
var pattern = /hi/;
pattern.test('chocolate chip'); // returns true
Regexes are VERY POWERFUL, but can be difficult to use.
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems. —Jamie Zawinski
Fun/silly stuff:
Real uses:
For the following examples, you can use regex101 to easily experiment.
'Hello, class'
, or instantiate with new RegExp('a')
. Either would match the first lowercase "a"/Hello/
and $
(which you may recognize from some CSS uses) /^class/
would not find a match, but /class$/
We've already seen that the dollar sign has special meaning in a regular expression, so what if we're actually looking for a dollar sign character? Use a backslash
You can also match any of a group of characters by using square brackets
But you can also signify any of a range of characters by using a hyphen
Or multiple ranges.
This signifies a range of unicode characters, by number.
What's the difference between [A-z] and [A-Za-z]?
You can also use a carat to exclude characters in a range. This example would match only even digits
Any of the pipe-separated options
Here, there is no difference from [xyz], but it becomes more useful when using longer expressions, for example x1|y2|z3.
There are also some special wildcards that you can use to find pre-defined character sets:
A period matches any character. Escape with a backslash to match an actual period.
for whitespace (\S
for non-whitespace) Whitespace: spaces, tabs, new lines, CRs, etc
for digits (\D
for non-digits)
for "word" characters, which includes letters, digits, and the underscore (\W
for non-word)
for the beginnings or ends of words (\B
for everything else)
Modifiers added after the final slash signify global, case-insensitive, and multi-line searches that will match the start and end of a line as if it were the start or end of a string (g, i, m). There are a couple other modifiers for unicode and 'stickiness,' but they're not used often.
'Hello, class.
How was your week?'
would have no matches.
would match the first "H"
would match all instances of "H". This is useful for "match" and "replace" functions. "split" is global by default, and "test" and "search" are not affected by a global modifier.
would match only the first "H", while /^h/igm
would match both.
Sometimes we'll want to look for a pattern, but only use part of it. Parentheses indicate a part of the pattern you would specifically like the search to "capture" and return.
"ace".match(/a(c)e/); // returns ["ace", "c"]
The whole pattern is matched, and the next element of the returned array is the specifically "captured" group of matched characters.
Now combine that with the character range syntax /a([a-z])e/
var pattern = /a([a-z])e/;
"age".match(pattern); // returns ["age", "g"]
"ale".match(pattern); // returns ["ale", "l"]
"variegated".match(pattern); // returns ["ate", "t"]
You can also specify different numbers of characters to allow in the match.
Allows for any (non-zero) number of the preceding character or expression to qualify for the match.
Looks for zero or more of the preceding character or expression
Matches exactly 0 or 1 of something
{3} {1,3}
Match a specific quantity, or a specific quantity range.
This looks like...
"variegated".match(/a([a-z]+)e/); // returns ["ariegate", "riegat"]
(This might not be what you expected. Watch out for "greediness!" use +?
, *?
or {}?
to create a "reluctant", rather than greedy search)
"variegated".match(/a([a-z]+?)e/); // returns ["arie", "ri"]
/a([a-z])e/ // matches ace, ate, ale and returns the middle letter
/a(pa)?ce/ // matches ace or apace and returns "pa" or ""
/a(cr|bl)e/ // matches acre or able and returns "cr" or "bl"
In cases 2 and 3, if you want parentheses for grouping, but don't need the result, use ?:
inside the parens to indicate a non-capturing group.
/a(?:[a-z])e/ // this is the same as leaving out the parens entirely
/a(?:pa)?ce/ // matches ace or apace and returns nothing
/a(?:cr|bl)e/ // matches acre or able and returns nothing
Capture one or more digits
A period or comma
(?= )
Followed by... (more on looking ahead/back)
Exactly 3 digits
var pattern = /(\d+)[\,\.](?=\d{3})/g;
function stripSeparators(numStr) {
return numStr.replace(pattern, "$1");
Each time the full pattern is matched, it is replaced with the first captured group (element 1 of the array returned by the pattern match).
Regular expressions can be incredibly useful and powerful. When you start small and get familiar, they can even be fun!